New in 2025
One distance for all but separate calculations.
In the 2025 season, the sports race and the recreational race will be combined into one and the same distance, but the calculations will still be held separately. The distance will be approximately 80km. This will ensure a larger number of groups on the course, and riders who fall behind the main group will not have to worry about being left alone in the wind. It will also open up more opportunities for different sports tactics, because the race will take place together and cooperation with participants in the second distance is also allowed.
The sports race forms the first starting group, and all licensed elite, U23 and MJ riders are required to go there. Participants in the remaining age groups can freely choose whether they want to compete in the sports race or the recreational race.
The recreational race forms the second starting group, but licensed elite, U23 and MJ riders are prohibited from going there. However, the recreational race is open to all other interested parties, regardless of their age, gender or athletic preparation. The Filter Road Cup women's race will also take place in recreational racing, while there is no separate women's classification in sports racing.
The number of stages will change and there will be at least one new track!
The Filter Road Cup 2025 will take place with three stages, which are enough to offer road fans an output worthy of a domestic series, but also not enough for a road cycling fan to have time to prioritize these dates in their sports calendar! These stages will be three different stages: Elva, Munamäe and Tallinn. Elva is our own Estonian classic, a classic that will be run for the 40th time in 2025. Who wouldn't want to be on the honorable list of winners of the Elva bike rally on the anniversary-inspired 40th row! Munamäe is our Estonian Alp d'Huez, the only race in Estonia with a real mountaintop finish, where many people walk the last meters, their bikes at their side. And Tallinn is still a race with the feel of the capital, where we will also present you with a brand new course so that it doesn't get boring year after year!
Changes in awarding.
As usual, the stage awards will be held separately for all three distances, and the top 12 overall winners of each distance will be invited to the awards ceremony. In the recreational race, which also includes a women's race, the top 12 women will also be awarded separately. However, the change concerns the age group classification. Since we have observed that the absolute classification is still important for elite athletes above all else and age group medals often remain secondary, the age group classification will only be used in recreational races. In sports races, the competition is for stage awards and for the best overall winner of the series.
Another important change regarding the awards is that this year we will be awarding cash prizes in the overall standings of the series. Since the series consists of three stages, it makes perfect sense to prioritize and emphasize the overall series victory, rather than individual stages.